WATER / LIQUID COOLING SYSTEM In water cooling system, water is continuously circulated through passage (water jackets) around the cylinder. The heat removal from the cylinder is effected by transfer of heat to circulating water. This system is more effective than air cooling and is used for the engines having large capacity. It is used in light and heavy vehicles such as bus, lorry, trucks etc...the inlet water should be about 85-90°C and outlet water is about 95°C -105°C. Types of water cooling system According to the method of circulation of water, this system is classified as a. Thermosyphon system (or) Gravity circulation system. b. Pump circulation system (or) Forced circulation system. ♦️ THERMOSYPHON SYSTEM Figure shows the arrangement of thermosyphon cooling system. Generally it consists of radiator, radiator tubes, cylinder water jacket, filler cap, drain tap, fan etc... In this method water circulation is achieved due to difference between the density...
A study material for Automobile Engineering, MAEE, MMV, Diesel mechanic and Mechanical students. (Both KGCE & NCVT)